Thursday, September 6, 2007


Welcome to our blog!!

Many of you have asked about our upcoming travels and we thought that this would be a fun way to keep in touch while we're on the road.

If you haven't heard our story yet, here's the brief version:
We've decided that we've had enough of New York and eventually, we are going to be moving. Right now, Boston is the strong front runner.

But we figured, "When are we both going to be out of work at the same time again?" We pretty much have to take advantage of this right?

So we're brushing up on our espanol and heading south for a while. If anyone has any tips or recommendations, we're open to suggestions. Our itinerary is on the right and it's a work in progress.

So I don't think we'll be posting too much this month, but check back in October and hopefully, we'll have some great pictures and some exciting stories from the road.

Thanks for visiting. Chris and Jen