We said our goodbyes to Argentina as we left early yesterday morning. We managed to finally have at least one nice day of weather in Buenos Aires, before we had to leave. We made the very bad decision to walk to the neighborhood of La Boca (the hostel worker claimed that it would be perfectly safe mid-day). Well, about halfway there, a police officer approached us and warned us not to continue on the path we were taking because of extreme danger ahead (thanks, hostel guy). We were so thankful for the police officer warming us and we managed to make it the rest of the way there without incident. We got to see a tango show while we had lunch and do some more local shopping. Needless to say, we took a cab back to the hostel afterwards.

When we got back, we had some luck with perfect timing. We went to the desk to ask for directions and it turned out that we had a phone call. It was a friend that we made at the Moreno Glacier who lives in Buenos Aires. Carolina and her friend, Mariella (I hope we spelled that correctly) took us for a nice stroll through Puerto Madero, a swank riverside section of the city. We went out for some drinks and dinner at TGIFridays, that´s right, TGIFridays. The walls were filled with typical fare, just like home. Even the menu was the same. It was awesome! Thanks Carolina for a great end to our stay in Argentina!
Next time go to Chiles. Soup and salad!
Don´t you know how we feel about Chile´s? We almost didn´t go to the country!
But you can get soup and salad for like $5 and the soup can be chille! It's amazing!
You clearly haven´t been to SA. Salads are off limits!
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