Sorry it’s been so long since we last posted.
We know that Hammy, in particular is getting restless. A lot has been going on since we arrived in
Christchurch at the beginning of the week.
We’ll try to get it all in now…
When we arrived in Christchurch on Monday night, we spotted banners all around the airport and city promoting the World Buskers Festival. Now, if you’re like us, you’d have no idea what that was about. So, we got up the next morning to check it out. Turns out that it’s a huge festival held in locations all throughout the city, featuring street performers from around the world. It’s free to go and watch and there are also tons of craft and food stands to visit. The best part of all, though, was the chance to see our favorite performers, The Amazing Drumming Monkeys! We first saw them in Darwin, Australia two summers ago and they were awesome! So, this time we thought we’d spread some of the monkeys to all of you back home with some video footage. They were performing in the Botanic Gardens and the weather was great. Hope you enjoy!
The Amazing Drumming Catchphrase...
As for the rest of the time that we’ve been here, most of it has been spent trying to find jobs and housing. We looked through many different options before we finally found a place to live just a 10 minute bus ride from the city center. We are living in a house with a bunch of different flatmates from all over the world. It’s been good so far and the house is really nice. And, it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than staying at a hostel! As for the jobs, so far, nothing much. Chris is working on a few leads and Jen had an interview but it turned out the position was too long-term. We have both registered with some temp agencies thinking that it will be our best bet to get some casual, short-term work. Hopefully, we’ll see some results soon!
After many days of looking at places to live and trying to figure out the job hunt, we were starting to get a bit run down and frustrated. So, we did what many of you would do, we found an ultimate game to play in to forget everything else! We played on Thursday night with a great mixed group of players from the US, Canada, UK, and New Zealand. They were a lot of fun and we’re going to be playing with them three nights a week. Mondays are summer league, Thursdays are practice/playing and Sundays are pick-up in the park. The people who play are really skilled and very cool. We’re looking forward to working our way into peak condition for Boston summer league by going to New Zealand Nationals in a couple months. Unfortunately, we missed the mixed tournaments, but we may be able to go to the Open and Women’s tournaments. Lookout, Ram Bots!
Speaking of ultimate, have you ever wondered where all of those shirts from Garb’s box of rejects end up? Of course you have, don’t deny it! Well, we found the place right on the main drag here in Christchurch (check out the photo). Who would have known that he was an international clothing entrepreneur?
Sue, do you recognize this one?

That’s about it for here. Today we’re headed out to see some more of the Busker’s Festival. Hope that you are all doing well back home. Wait, one more time for DPoz.
We’ll post more again soon!