Since we’ve been in Christchurch, we’ve realized in just a week that there is so much to do here, it’s hard to fit it all in! The city was designed for people who love outdoor activities which could not be more perfect for us. So far, we’ve been able to play ultimate 3 nights a week, but yesterday, we tried our hand at orienteering and had a blast!
Since we’ve done orienteering a bunch of times at home before, we had an idea of what to expect, but what we didn’t know was that this would be our first “score o” event. The main difference is that in this event, everyone starts at the same time and the checkpoints can be found in any order. Each one is worth a certain predetermined amount of points so it’s up to you to plan your route to try to get the most number of points in the time allotted. Well, since we showed up thinking this was your average “staggered start; find the checkpoints in order” type of event, we weren’t prepared to see so many people all geared up to run the course. People here seem to be really hard core about whatever they do. They take their training and physical fitness pretty seriously.

So, once the race started, we had decided that we weren’t really dressed for running (since we thought we’d just be hiking), so we walked the course. That seemed to be going fine for a while and we saw some nice scenery around the area, but towards the end of our 75 minute time limit, we got a little greedy and went for one checkpoint (worth 40 points) that was a bit far away from the finish line. At that point, we knew we had to run to make it back (or else face the penalty of 20 points deducted for each minute late) so we were booking it! We managed to run all the way back to the finish line only to hear that we were 15 seconds late and had incurred the 20 point penalty (if only we hadn’t stopped to take this picture). Well, we did know they were hard core! Still, in all, it was a great time and we “won” a free voucher to the next event being held just outside the city in 2 weeks. We both think it may have been rigged since the people running the event absolutely loved the fact that we were “all the way from New York!” In all honesty, the people at this event were so unbelievably friendly and helpful; they were great to be around. They even lent us a compass…did you know that the northern hemisphere compasses don’t work correctly down here? We learn something new every day!
This Saturday we’re taking a wine tour in the Canterbury region, so we’ll certainly have more to post then. Hope you are all doing well!
so you show up not knowing what you're doing, don't have the right clothes, need to borrow stuff from the locals, and make it back late... way to challenge those ugly american sterotypes! :o)
And why aren't you blaming the Afterbite Witch for your lateness?!
15 seconds late? I think it's clear that stopwatches don't function properly down under either.
In retrospect, teaming up with the walking fish was probably a mistake. I mean, sure he's got local knowledge, but he's got stubby little legs and lives in the ocean. Next time, think these things through!
Man, ultimate 3 nights a week! Sooo jealous. Stupid hemisphere!
Did you try turning your northern compass upside down? That might help.
Oh- now that you're playing ultimate 3 nights a week, can you confirm that the disc spins the opposite direction down there? I've got a $20 bet with Steve and Jen that it does.
Actually, we are enjoying the comments in between blog entries as much as the blog. Cars was wondering, if you stood on your head while holding a compass, would it make a difference, other than looking ridiculous. We pose this to any of the commentors who might also be awaiting future reports.
Belated Happy Birthday, Mark. Hope it was a good one.
maybe you can orienteer yourselves over to dr. lerman's to watch the giants get a beatdown! yeah, i went there
pretty weak commenting hammy. what are you, like the 5th person? booo!
how can anyone, even someone who lives in Boston, root for the Patriots?
They have a picture of their stadium painted on their field. That makes no sense!
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