We spent yesterday in Hamilton where the big attraction was their gardens. We checked out some of the themed areas especially enjoying the Italian Rennaissance garden. Sorry, no pictures today as we're checking in from an internet cafe.

We haven't had a full day without rain since the fall of the Cavalier. We're starting to think it had magical weather controlling powers. We were clearly not worthy of such an awesome car! We're heading up to the Bay of Islands tomorrow, which is known for it's beaches and sunny weather. Hopefully things will clear up, but it's not looking good.
There's a Guitar Hero Knockout Competition every Sunday at a bar here in Auckland. Our skillz have been seriously wasting away down here so we don't think we'll enter. With rumors of Boston tournaments, we're anxious to get back and practice.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. We'll check back next week!
Don't let the fact that you haven't guitar heroed lately keep you from participating in the tournament. It's like riding a bicycle while swimming- once you learn how, you never forget. (Or so I'm told- I'm terrible at guitar hero no matter how rusty I am)
don't believe him - dr. lerman used that same line on me yesterday (except - "i'm terrible at riding bicycles")
true, but the point is that I never forgot how to be terrible at riding bicycles
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