So what are a couple of Americans who just started new jobs to do when Super Bowl Sunday rolls around on Monday afternoon? Take an extra long lunch, of course!!

We did a little research prior to the game and found out that the Holy Grail Pub would be the place to be for the big game. We had no idea what to expect, but we were not disappointed by the giant movie sized screen on the back wall, three tiers of seating, and smaller plasma screens everywhere. It sure beat constantly clicking "Refresh" on the browser, which was our way of taking in the NFC Championship game. Normally, The Grail showcases the big games for the New Zealand All Blacks and other weird sports like cricket, but today the Americans took over and packed the place by noon.
The crowd was pretty evenly split between Patriots fans and Patriot haters. We think there were a few other authentic Giants fans mixed in too. What can you say about the game? Just amazing! Even the most hardened Eli critics (you know who you are) are bound to come around. Right?

The crowd was actually quite civil. We were sitting next to some Patriots fans and the woman next to us came over and shook our hands "good game" afterwards. I don't know how she knew we were Giants fans (other than Chris' hat and the fact that he can no longer speak). Anyway, she was really nice and may even have some Boston teaching leads for Jen. I guess in New Zealand even your typical New York/Boston rivalry is turned upside down.
By the time we made it to summer league tonight, the majority of Americans were easily identifiable. James from New Jersey was unable to even stand since he was downing vodkas and So Co's all afternoon "to make Eli stop sucking." Job well done, James!
"That Manning Kid" is a champion!!!!
Very sad day in Boston :( Visiting customers who are distraught over a Superbowl loss is not fun. But I'm glad that my second-favorite team could win. Maybe now people will start laying off Eli a little...and I think that Jen and Chris (and my parents) know who I'm referring to when I say "people" :)
And congratulations to Tom and Nelly!
Where are my pictures of food? Can you dedicate one blog completely to the local cuisine?
i love that old lady!!!!!!!
Cooper Manning for MVP in 2009! (he's the crafty lefty)
Wait a minute- is there really a team called the New Zealand "All Blacks"?
Even I can answer Mark's question; yes, there is. I can't wait to see where you're going with this...
What do their uniforms look like?
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