We had a nice dinner at one of the city's Italian restaurants.
Some other quick things that have been going on .....
We did our second orienteering event last night. We were a little more prepared to run this time. Good thing. It was a shorter event, only 60 minutes, but we managed to score a lot more points than last time. There were a lot more hills so it was a challenging course. Next week is the finals at the Uni, our ultimate field stomping grounds. Since we actually know the area for a change, we're prepared to dominate!
Just like orienteering at home!
We also registered for the Nelson Beach Ultimate tournament on the first weekend in March. It looks to be a great Hat tournament with plenty of food, entertainment, and other bonuses. There's about 20 Christchurch ultimate players going, so we'll have plenty of company. We'll let you know if you have to "Watch the Tram Car" or if they have "Sharks, Sharks, Sharks."
Job Update: We're both working tomorrow!! Jen will be spending some QT with some Kiwi pre-schoolers, while Chris continues his professional mingling at the HSBC Golf Tournament. No luck getting on TV yet.
Please help us name our blog! See the Poll to the right. All you crazy commenters can add your suggestions on this post and we can add them to the poll.
That's all for now. Check back soon for our stories about Canterbury Crusaders Rugby.
w-w-w-w-w-w-watch the tramcar!
kiwi preschoolers, sounds tasty...
will you be my valentines?
I feel like you should list "Donde Esta los Blancos" in the poll. Though, my write-in vote goes for "Alto Cinco"!
I think when you get to the beach you should try to arrange some sort of food-eating contest. Also, be on the look-out for Sir Rod. I am pretty sure he spends his winters in New Zealand.
As a big fan of alliteration, my vote was obvious. (But the All Blacks and Whites was close.)
Do you have a slip-and-slide to use during your bye at the beach tournament?
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