Since it's been a relatively quiet week, we thought we'd share some photos from our regular routine living is Christchurch. We've probably featured Cathedral Square before. It's at the heart of the city and it's always filled with tourists, food stalls, and street performers.
Victoria Square, another nice spot for a break.
Here's our house, known amongst our friends as "The Castle." We share the right half of it with about 7 other people.
We are getting ready for a weekend of fun. Tonight we'll be heading to a small pre-St. Patrick's Day party. Tomorrow, we've organized a Scavenger Hunt so we'll be running around the city making fools of ourselves. We'll be posting the results here and you'll be able to vote for your favorite team. There's a six pack on the line so vote early and often!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
look at that huge blogging desk...i demand at least twice the blogging from now on.
so, see you at pancake breakfast on saturday?
Bathroom question: I see a tub but no shower head. Is there a separate shower stall?
that glass door on the left is the shower. we don't all just take bubble baths.
i'm hoping a nice dose of video blogging will hold you over next week. only three more weeks and the entries will pick up once we've sucked sue onto the other side of the blog dimension again.
Yes, I can't wait for my leap into the blog again! And this time, I'm bringing a friend, so Hammy, get ready for QUADRUPLE blogging!! It will be insane.
Still no comment from Chris on the Spitzer scandal. I can't believe it! The people demand answers!
Yea, Chris.. Did you or did you not work at the Emabassador's Club in NYC. Admit it! You saw the axe coming down and decided to leave the country and go to SA. you come back, see the story hasn't hit yet and flee the country again. What's next? Talk to us!
Follow up bathroom questions: is there any sort of spoken/unpspoken bathroom etiquette? Example, if Chris is brushing his teeth and the door is ajar I am a housemate, can I walk in and brush my teeth or if Chris is taking a bubble bath and I have to pee, can I just run in?
How many bathrooms are in the house? I'm a little upset this hasn't been blogged about until now..
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