With the ultimate team heading up to Wellington next weekend for Nationals, we had to get the Weekend Fun Crew together one last time before our travels begin. We were well equipped for a trip because on Friday, we bought a car! It's very easy to do here. The hostels and internet cafes are filled with flyers for used cars. Buying a car for a couple months and reselling turns out to be WAY cheaper than renting. You can update the registration at any Post Office. If only the DMV was so easy! So, we are now the proud owners of a '96 Toyota Cavalier (really a Chevy with a Toyota logo).

Anyway, we figured it was our turn to drive so we all piled into the new ride and headed out the Adrenalin Forest! We had a couple of free passes and figured it would be worth checking out. It did not disappoint. The forest has a high ropes course with four different "paths" of increasingly difficult obstacles. After some difficulty with the first ladder, we had a couple hours of fun on zip lines, cargo nets, tight ropes, and tarzan swings. Naturally, we made another video.

We were worn out from a full day on the ropes, so we all headed back to Katherine's for a full nacho fiesta. Last night, the city had Earth Hour, when everyone was encouraged to shut off all their power for an hour to save energy. We had dinner ready just in time for a romantic candle lit dinner for five. After a couple of bottles of wine, the leftovers from our Mustache Party came out and everyone was looking good.

We won't know what to do without you guys next weekend. Good Luck!
Oh Axl... why did you have to be a such a coke fiend?
That was some extreme! rope swinging/sliding/whatever that was! I am glad it seems everyone survived.
This KIWI trip has a real sleep away camp feel to it. Do you have a camp counselor or are you allowed to do your own thing during the day?
who are steve and jen? i demand answers. also - i submit that we change it to jenandchrisandhammytravel
we WOULD have changed the name of the blog is you didn't bail on coming to new zealand like a loser!
jenandchrisandsueanddoug is a little long, no?
Steve is friends with Chris and Jen a few tourneys of ultimate and flip the cup..
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